Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Tennis Elbow, also known as Lateral Epicondylitis, occurs when tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow are too tight or restricted, causing irritation. It is amazing how such a small part of the

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Elbow Tendonitis

Thanks to Kevin McDonald from

anatomy of the arm can create such dramatic and debilitating pain. The bony attachment point known as the lateral epicondyle is located on the top of the forearm (in line with the back of the hand) near the elbow. It is the point that can be felt about one inch away from and on top of the point of the elbow.

Chronic contraction of the muscles that attach to the lateral epicondyle are responsible for symptoms of intense pain typical of this disorder. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) is a rather common condition that affects office workers, computer users, waitresses, librarians, mothers of young children, auto mechanics and on and on. The symptoms are made worse by twisting the forearms to a palm-up position while carrying a weight or applying force, or by chronic bending of the wrist toward the back of the hand.

Once the anatomy and symptoms of this condition are understood, a program of self care can be developed that addresses all the factors that contribute to this condition. Be sure to follow all recommendations for the best results.


Elbow Tendonitis Self Care

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